Winter Spinach - February Farmers' Market Ingredient

Welcome February! It is hard to say that with a straight face since here in the Midwest, it can be our bleakest month.  I have decided to green it up by making spinach our ingredient of the month.  We have spinach available all winter long thanks to some dedicated local farmers.  Edward Lee from Rodale's Organic Life describes this winter staple best, "Compared to baby spinach with its fragile leaves, crinkly-leaved spinach harvested after first frost is so hearty in taste, texture and color that I think of it as a different vegetable altogether.  With leaves as big as your hand, juicy and curly with thick stems, this is what spinach is supposed to taste like."  I could not agree more.  Click on the images below to check out these recipes featuring our fresh market spinach.  You can find even more under my recipes tab.